A Mate for Titan (The Program Book 7) Page 9
Brant scrutinized him. “We’re about the same height.” He made a small noise that said he was thinking it over.
“It would just be for a week or two, my lord. Three tops, I’m having them made by that Steve person,” Titan said.
Brant smiled. “Steve’s fantastic. The clothing will fit you like a glove.” He scrutinized Titan some more. “Your chest is wider and your arms might be a bit thicker, but I’m bigger everywhere else.” Emphasis on the word everywhere.
Titan had to suppress a smile. Vampires were so effing competitive it was laughable. He didn’t rut anymore which meant that he stayed far away from the masculine displays. His king was mated but was clearly still affected. It might be due to the fact that the two kings had to share Tanya. Testosterone could wreak havoc on a male. Any male. Even the highest-ranking ones. “Yes, my lord.”
Natasha was staring out the window, pretending not to be interested in their conversation.
“Fine! I have plenty, just bring them back laundered when you are done.”
“Of course, my lord.”
“Stop with the ‘my lord’ bullshit.”
Brant almost smiled. “Any progress?”
Titan glanced at the human. “It’s too early but the balls are rolling.”
“As discussed?” Brant raised his brows.
“Yes. As tabled and agreed.”
“Good!” he smiled. “I have all the faith in the world in you.”
“I know my … I know!”
“Good. Special Agent …” Brant glanced at Natasha.
The female turned. “Yes?” A little too animated.
“Please, can you step outside?”
What now?
She gave a nod. Her jaw tightened. Natasha wasn’t thrilled at the prospect.
“It was good to meet you,” Brant said. “Thank you for assisting us on this operation. I’m sure that if you were put forward that you are the right person for this job.”
“Thank you. We will bring those responsible to justice.”
Brant nodded. As soon as the door closed, his king turned to him. “What the fuck were you thinking?”
“Excuse me, my lord?”
“Hold that thought. No …” He paced to the other side of the room before turning back. “Think hard on an answer. What the fuck were you thinking bringing that female onboard?” He strode out of the room. Titan knew exactly why Brant was so rattled. He could understand why the male was so pissed. Brant returned a few minutes later with a couple of suit hangers. “Your clothes.” He handed them to Titan. “A female? You chose to work with a female? Please tell me you didn’t have a choice after all.”
“I had a choice.” He couldn’t lie. Brant growled. Titan went on to list the things he had mentioned to Drago. All of her career attributes and successes. “It would have been wrong to exclude her because of her sex.” He was so full of shit, yet, it felt right somehow to be saying it.
Brant shook his head. “You are making it more difficult for yourself. We agreed that whoever you went with would not actually assist you in the real assignment. That it would be for outward appearances only. Who gives a shit about her resumé?” Hearing Brant say that about Natasha rankled. Natasha was good at her job. She was hardworking.
“My plan is clear,” his king added.
Actually, Titan had devised the whole plan, he knew it backwards. He grit his teeth for a moment instead of correcting Brant. “I know, so who the fuck cares if the person is male or female? It doesn’t matter to me. You know my take on females, you know where I stand.”
“You still have a dick, unless I’m mistaken.” Brant glared at Titan through narrowed eyes. “Do you have a dick?” his king finally yelled.
Really? Was this line of questioning necessary? Brant’s gaze didn’t waver.
“Yes, my lord.” Titan tried not to sigh.
“Just because you don’t use it doesn’t mean it’s not there.”
“I know that,” Titan growled. He knew it only too fucking well. “I don’t plan on using it. Certainly not on some human,” he spat.
“Good! It had better stay in your pants.”
“It will, now can we please drop this conversation?”
Brant stared at him for another half a minute. “Good. I do trust you.” He rolled his eyes. “You, out of all the males. You have a good head on your shoulders. You’re one of my best. Sure, you fucked up but you’ve been given the short end of the stick. For the record, you’re too damned hard on yourself and should put it behind you … just not with her,” he added, unnecessarily.
“Can I change?” The conversation was going on too damned long for his liking.
“Use your own damned apartment.”
Titan sucked in a breath. “It’s on the other side of the castle. I have a human in tow, it would be—”
“Fine,” Brant sighed the word. “Use the bathroom.”
It felt like it took forever to get the snug-fitting clothing on. After trying five times, Titan finally gave up on the tie. He muttered a curse under his breath as he left the bathroom.
“Mmmmm …” Brant nodded. “That’s a decent fit.”
“It’s stifling,” Titan said. “I don’t know how you put up with this.” He pulled at the starched collar.
“Leathers are tighter, so I’m not sure what the problem is.”
“They’re off the neck and arms and fit like a second skin. This is …” he growled instead of finishing the sentence.
Brant laughed. “Allow me.” Within a few seconds the tie was done and pulled so tight around his neck he could feel it close his blood supply off. Okay, fine, it wasn’t that tight but still, it felt restrictive as fuck. He didn’t like it.
Titan left the suit jacket on the hanger. He wasn’t wearing it until he really, really had to.
“You need to get going on this thing,” Brant said.
Titan nodded. As if he didn’t fucking know.
“And if word gets out that I have … had,” Brant emphasized the word, “bloodlust, I will kill you myself.”
Titan wanted to ask the male about it but held his tongue, nodding instead. “Like you said, it isn’t a big deal. Your secret is safe with me.”
Brant looked away before locking eyes with Titan. “It was a mild case. I can only hope that my son is not badly affected.” Worry lines appeared on his forehead. “I need to go and speak with Tanya, she will be concerned.”
“I understand. It seems a little strange though that your son would have bloodlust, considering your queen is human. Sammy drinks from her.” Titan could feel himself frown.
“You must remember that she is no longer completely human. We still need to research the affliction.”
“I’m sure it will all work out.”
“It will!” Brant gave him a slap on the side of the arm. “I … we are all relying on you to find those bastards.”
Titan nodded. No fucking pressure. None at all.
Shoot her sideways.
Natasha’s mouth dried as it fell open. Her eyes bugged out of her skull.
Holy mother of yumminess!
Titan was wearing a suit, only sans the jacket. The crisp white shirt fit him like a glove, molding itself to every hard contour of his body. The pants were just as fitting. It was like the thing had been tailored especially for him. A black leather belt was secured around his waist. His tie was pink, of all colors. It worked though. It looked pretty darned near perfect around his neck. Titan looked somber. There were worry lines between his eyes and his neck muscles were roped. His lips were pressed together tightly.
He carried a couple of suit bags in one hand.
Natasha whistled. “You clean up good.” Shit! Her voice sounded a tad husky. Stop eyeballing the guy. Stop it!
Titan didn’t seem to notice her appraisal of him.
“Yeah,” one of the guards smirked. “You clean up real good. You should wear a monkey suit more often.”
br /> “Let the king hear you say that. This is Brant’s suit, asshole.” If looks could kill, that guy would be dead and buried. Titan finally broke eye contact with the squirming guard. “Let’s get out of here.” He glanced her way.
Natasha nodded and walked towards the elevator and then pushed the button.
“Goodbye, female,” the other guard said.
Before she could answer in kind, Titan turned and snarled at him. He sounded like a vicious animal. His lip even curled away from his teeth. There it was again, his fang. It wasn’t as long as she had imagined vampire canines to be. It still made him look dangerous. Her heart beat a little faster. Damn, he was seriously hot. The guy was smoking, despite acting like some kind of feral animal … or then again, maybe it was because of it.
They walked into the elevator and the doors closed. She’d had him all wrong. There was no way Titan was the sexist asshole he pretended to be. He looked out for her. Always insisted on allowing her to go first unless there was trouble or perceived trouble. It wasn’t lost on her how he’d moved in front of her at the gate when that one guard was giving them trouble. He’d stood up for her, more than once. He’d even read her damned file. He’d studied the thing. The guy probably knew more about her than most.
“You can stop smiling.” Titan looked straight ahead.
“They were just trying to be nice.”
“Nice my ass,” he grumbled.
“You’re a good guy, Titan.”
He flexed his neck to the side. “You’re wrong.”
“I don’t know why you put up such a big front. You’re a sweet guy.”
He snorted. “Sweet?” He shook his head, his facial expression told her that he thought she had lost her mind. “Nope! Nothing sweet or nice about me. You have me all wrong. I have killed and will kill again.”
“So have I, that doesn’t make you bad. Not unless you murdered someone in cold blood.”
He shook his head. “I’ve done worse but I’m not discussing or debating this with you. I’m not who you think I am. You don’t know jack about me. Now stop with the smiling and the compliments. We’re not going to suddenly be friends. We have a job to do. Am I clear?”
It wasn’t like she wanted to be bloody friends … did she? No! Point was, she could see right through his bullshit. This was just the wall talking. She wondered what had happened to make him act this way. It had been a long time since someone had truly had her back. Since someone had stood up for her. Titan’s actions spoke louder to her than his words but she didn’t want to argue, especially when it wouldn’t do any good. She finally nodded. “Yes, loud and clear. You won’t regret your decision to bring me onboard.”
Titan didn’t answer. They made their way down the various hallways.
“What is bloodlust?” she asked.
Titan sighed, for a moment she thought he wasn’t going to answer her. “Human blood is highly palatable to vampires. It’s supposed to be sweeter.” He had a bored look on his face. “I’m not sure of the stats,” he frowned, “something like one or two in ten vampires suffer from bloodlust. Blood will taste so divine that there is a chance of them drinking every last drop. They end up killing the person they drink from. Unable to stop or think.”
“Oh wow! That’s terrible! Has it happened before? Has a vampire actually killed a human? If so, I wasn’t aware.”
Titan shook his head. “It has thankfully never happened. That is why the mingling of our species takes place under strict rules. Males are tested for the affliction. Those who suffer from bloodlust may not take part in The Program.”
“That’s understandable,” she said as they walked into a vast space. They were almost at the main entrance. It looked like a common area. There were sitting alcoves positioned all around the space. Natasha hadn’t been sure what to expect but this wasn’t it. It was lavish. From the large crystal chandeliers to the plush woolen carpets and gleaming marble floors. The decorator had gone with classic and modern. Even the artwork was beautiful. There was lots of color and bold brushstrokes.
The area was busy. There were vampires coming and going. There were groups of people either standing around or sitting together on the sofas.
One thing was for sure, vampires were beautiful. The men were masculine and fierce in their beauty and the women were just plain gorgeous. Tall and athletic. Everything from their hair to their long, lean legs. They wore tiny shorts, little tops with … she tried not to stare. None of them wore bras. Not a one. One lady vampire strode past them. She wore the tiniest skirt and a sheer top. Natasha could actually see her small, high breasts. She glanced away. The vampire woman glared at Titan, it looked like she was giving him a dirty look. Titan just kept walking. Either he hadn’t noticed or he didn’t give a shit.
Quite a few of the men gave Titan a nod. One or two guys tried to engage them in conversation but Titan brushed them off. He led them to where their vehicle was parked, just a short distance from the gate.
Eliot jogged over. He smiled as he handed the keys over to Titan. “Thanks,” Titan said.
“Sure.” Eliot looked over at her. There was interest in his eyes. “So, are you guys headed out?” He turned back to Titan, who nodded.
“Will you come and visit again soon?”
Titan shook his head. “Not for a week or two. I’m going to be too busy catching these fuckers to—”
“We,” she said.
“What?” Titan frowned.
“We are going to be too busy.” She smiled at him.
Titan’s jaw tightened. “Things are going to be busy.”
“Well,” Eliot said. “Good luck and be safe … both of you.” He glanced back at her.
Natasha nodded once as she walked over to her side of the vehicle.
“Leaving us so soon?” The voice was mocking. It was the guard from earlier, Luke. Why was the guy being such an asshole? She noticed that the red puffiness around his nose was gone.
Titan didn’t even look that way. He opened his own door, eyes still on Eliot. “See you around.”
“Female,” Luke called to her in a rough rasp.
Natasha chose to ignore him as well. She had a feeling he was either going to hit on her or put Titan down somehow. For whatever reason, he didn’t seem to like her partner.
“Female!” Louder this time.
She continued to ignore the guy. He was an idiot. Natasha was just stepping into the SUV when Luke shouted something at her. “You aren’t safe with him!” At least, it sounded like he had said that but she couldn’t be sure. Natasha stopped herself from sliding all the way into the seat.
“Stop your shit, Luke.” Eliot turned to the head guard. “Drop it. You don’t know what you’re talking about. You don’t have the full story.”
“Like fuck!” Luke looked really pissed. “That human is not safe with the likes of him. I have no idea how he made head of human security … how he got this assignment in the first place. Our kings have lost their minds.”
“That’s blasphemy. Stop it now! You have no idea what you are talking about,” Eliot raised his voice. “You both applied for Head of Human Guard and Titan was promoted … get the fuck over it.”
“That position has nothing to do with it!” Luke shouted. “Although,” he gave a humorless chuckle, “I can’t comprehend why he …” Luke pointed at Titan who gave a soundless snarl, “would get a role that entails working with human females.” Luke shook his head.
“Get in the car!” Titan growled at her. Shit! He looked angrier than she’d ever seen anyone before. His face was red, his eyes blazing. Both fangs were out and in all of their glory. His eyes seemed to glow a brighter, lighter blue … cold and icy. Hard as nails.
Natasha swallowed hard and jumped in the vehicle, she grabbed the handle but before she could close the door, Luke shouted something. The words made her blood run cold. It couldn’t be. No! She didn’t believe it. This Luke guy was an asshole.
Titan roared, sounding more like a lion than a hum
an. His muscles bunched as he took off towards Luke in a flat-out run. The coward ran for the guardhouse and shut the door with a bang. Eliot gripped Titan around the torso just as he reached the door. Titan yanked himself free.
Eliot said something to Titan that made him stop in his tracks. Eliot said something else. Titan turned, his face was both a mask of rage and of pain … maybe she was reading too much into this but if he was hurt over the words, maybe there was truth to them. It couldn’t be. The two of them spoke for a few seconds, the conversation heated. Then Titan scrubbed a hand over his face and nodded. He looked her way, his face solemn. His whole stance tense. A shiver raced up her spine as she recalled what Luke had said.
She wasn’t afraid of Titan. In fact, she would go so far as to say that she trusted him. She was growing to even like the guy. Had her gut let her down?
Titan strode towards her. She waited for adrenaline to surge for her hands to become sweaty. It didn’t happen. Luke was a gigantic asshole. She’d dealt with his type before. Power hungry and willing to do anything to get to the top. He acted like he was jealous of Titan because he had been promoted ahead of Luke. Maybe the guy was just spreading rumors. Yeah! That had to be it. The asshole was talking smack, he was jealous of Titan. That had to be it. She could breathe more easily.
“Put on your safety belt,” Titan said as he reversed the car in a spray of gravel.
He waited while she did as he said. As soon as the buckle clicked into place, he floored it. His tires squealed on the pavement. The engine roared as they drove out of the gates. Her heart beat wildly in her chest. Her breath came in pants. Calm down! Breathe! It wasn’t like she hadn’t been in a high-speed vehicle before. She had her fair share of chases over the years and she’d taken part in several advanced driving courses. Logically, she knew her racing heart had nothing to do with the speed they were traveling.
The back end of the SUV slid out to the left. Her seatbelt bit into her. Titan counter-steered, gaining back control. He handled the vehicle like a pro. Natasha stole a look in his direction. His hands were white on the steering wheel. His jaw was clenched.